Did you know on average only 55% of people pass their Theory Test first time?
We have revolutionised theory test revision with simple, yet fun and interactive kits.
Grab yourself a pack, get revising, and go smash that test... first time!

How our kits work?
Inside our thoery test packs you will find 128 road sign revision cards, endorsed by UK driving instructors and based on the latest Highway Code.
Each card displays 2 road signs on the front and a clear description of each on the reverse. Printed on strong coated card, our cards are durable and shuffle easily – just like playing cards!
Revise on your own, anywhere, any time – or learn with
friends or family and test yourself, plus have loads of fun whilst doing it!
Perfect Gift for Teenagers.
Buying gifts for teenagers is not easy nowadays, right?
Giving one of our Theory Test Revision Packs is not just a thoughtful gesture but a practical one that they will need!
Friends and family members turn to our kits as the perfect birthday or Christmas gift to help them to learn a crucial life skill.
Calling all Driving Instructors!
Our Revision Packs are perfect for Driving Instructors to keep in the car to test your students’ knowledge of their road signs.
Even better... you could hand them out to new students to make you stand out from your competitors and you can earn commission every time your student buys any of our kits or products.
If you are interested in buying in bulk or would like to join our affiliate program then get in touch today.